Why I Love My Ashurst Veg Box - Roger B

The reasons are many, and I’m happy to get the chance to be all evangelical about it;
Firstly, it tastes good; really, really good. This is not only a delight for your tongue, but it means that cooking is simpler; when vegetables taste this nice, they don’t need much more than boiling or steaming and a knob of butter to go down a treat. When you do want to cook something more complex, these vegetables repay your efforts by actually being worth using (say goodbye to blandness).
Secondly, you are no longer required to spend time worrying and planning about what to eat each week.
This is a key advantage of the veg box scheme; the choice is made for you, and it’s all good. Each week you get sent some veg, and each week you’ll cook it and eat it; simple. This simplicity leads to a rhythm of food preparation each week that just becomes as natural as walking – one meal in front of the other.
Thirdly, you are putting your money where your mouth is.
If you have green ideals of any kind, from reducing food miles to conservation, from improving biodiversity and habitat to reducing pesticides, this is your chance to actually do something about it; plus, you’ll be giving your money to some real people, not a corporation !
Lastly, you will be eating seasonally; another key benefit of a proper veg box scheme.
Seasons come and seasons go; the changes they bring are a part of the beauty of living in Britain; but not if you only shop in a supermarket. Veg box schemers come to recognise the seasonal patterns and appreciate their changing diet; winters get cosier with root vegetables aplenty, spring feels fresher as the first greens start to appear in your box. In the winter, your body wants a bit of ballast, and in summer, a light salad – it’s the natural way of things, but that can get forgotten if you aren’t already tuned into this by your veg box.
In some subtle way, your box scheme makes you feel part of the community. Popping round to the drop-off point becomes a welcome neighbourhood stroll, and a quick chat with some like-minded people makes your world a bit more connected, compared with the impersonal feel of the supermarket run.
It might not be for everyone, but if any of the above strikes a chord with your thinking, then give it a chance; I bet you won’t regret it.