Hello Everyone, Just to let you know that we hope the first Ashurst Veg boxes of the New year will be on 20th January. We would have let you know before Christmas but the snow made everthing here so hectic the newsletter did not make it to press. As usual we are taking our 'winter break' - not going anywhere but having a much needed solid week doing as little as possible - before the seed ordering, sowing and the season begins again. We'll be using the first few weeks of January to rethink and revamp a few things (ancient computer included) and will let you know the exact delivery dates, box sizes etc as soon as we can. As ever, Many Many Thanks for being part of Ashurst Farm. Lets hope for a stable, 'typically seasonal' climate in which to grow and an abundant harvest for 2011 on which to feast upon. Wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy New Year. With the Best of Wishes Collette, Peter, Leif, Layla, Ruth, Tony, Marc, Mark, Tina & Chris xxx (Or All at Ashurst, for short)
Download a pdf of the above (much more readable!), along with the all-important order form, here. [This happens to be the Thursday version; Wednesday customers please read delivery day as Wednesday the 22nd!]
Collette and Peter Haynes
May 2011
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